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IAS student chapter ExCom candidates


Name Biography Motivation
Nouha Ghribi Nouha Ghribi was born in Sfax, Tunisia, in 1988. She received the Graduate degree in computer science from the National School of Engineers of Sfax, University of Sfax; Sfax, Tunisia, in June2012. Then, she started the Ph.D. studies at REGIM Laboratory (Research Group on Intelligent Machines), ENIS, University of Sfax; in collaboration with ARTS Company: Framework for developing an optimized kernel Android ,Sfax, Tunisia. because i like enhance the relationship between entreprise and student . i would organise a trainning session ” how writing a cover letter and CV ” because we not acquired to write a right cover letter or CV . also i like organise a training in a project management with a professionnel coach .
DZIRI Nouhanouha-dziri DZIRI Nouha. This is a great opportunity for me to master my leadership skills, build my network, and have a rewarding experience of making a positive change in the community around me.
Akram Zitoun Born on 1990, Then I had a primary school in Gabes. I had my bac at 2009 then 2 years of preparatory school then I was accpeted in the National Engineering School of SFAX. I am particularly interested in this organization, because my aim is to work in an international field related to electrical and mechanical field, I want to know much more. I’m sure I can learn much from you and I hope to contribute also. I feel this opportunity would mean a great deal for my professional and personal growth. I am a highly motivated, tolerant and dynamic individual with outstanding communication and organization skills.
Rim Frikha I am a second years student of electrical engineering at ENIS I’m interesting in IEEE events and I want to contribute in its work.