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↑ Return to IEEE ENIS SB



Name and Purpose:

Sec. 1. This organization shall be known as the “IEEE Student Branch @ ENIS” and as “IEEE ENIS SB”.

Sec. 2. The organization was established, by Habib M. Kammoun as student branch chair and Adel M. Alimi as student branch counselor, on April 01, 2009.

Sec. 3. The purpose shall be the dissemination of knowledge of the theory and practice on areas ranging from aerospace systems, computers and telecommunications to biomedical engineering, electric power and consumer electronics, as well as the furtherance of the professional and educational development of the Students.

Sec. 4. The organization and operation of the Branch shall be in accordance with the Constitution and Bylaws of the IEEE.


Sec. 5. Membership shall be limited to undergraduate and graduate students of the National Engineering School of Sfax (ENIS).
Sec. 6. The membership shall consist of Student members of the IEEE.


Sec. 7. The Executive Committee of the Branch shall have the power to levy special assessments upon endorsement by a two-thirds vote of the membership of the Branch.
Sec. 8. Nonpayment of transnational dues will automatically result in suspension of membership in IEEE and in the local Branch. Nonpayment of local dues may result in suspension of membership in the local Branch, but will not result in suspension of membership in IEEE.
Sec. 9. The local dues per semester for members are payable at the beginning of the semester.

Branch Counselor:

Sec. 10. The Branch Counselor is a University or College faculty member, active in the IEEE, who serves as an advisor to the Branch and its student Officers. As the officers usually change annually, the Counselor lends a sense of continuity to Branch affairs.
Sec. 11. The Branch Counselor is appointed by the local Section Chair, upon the recommendation of the Student Members of the Branch and the Regional SAC Chair (RSAC), and serves with the approval of the School Head.


Sec. 12. To be eligible for office, a candidate must be enrolled as a Student member of the IEEE and a member in good standing in the local Branch.
Sec. 13. The term of office shall ordinarily be one year.
Sec. 14. Election of officers for the following year shall be held not later than the last meeting of each year.
Sec. 15. Due consideration of predicted vacancies shall be kept to assign election dates such that the previous year’s officer is still available to mentor his/her successor for a period of no less than two weeks.
Sec. 16. To mitigate conflict of interest, the Counselor shall oversee electoral proceedings.
Sec. 17. Premature officer position vacancy or other extraordinary circumstances may warrant an election sooner than one year if endorsed by the Executive Committee, or by a sufficient quorum of Student members as determined by the Counselor.

Executive Committee:

Sec. 18. The Branch Executive Committee is responsible for administering Branch operations and traditionally consists of the Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer.
Sec. 19. The management of the affairs of the Branch shall be in the hands of the Executive Committee, consisting of the duly elected officers of the Branch and the Counselor appointed by the IEEE. The Chairman of the Branch shall be Chairman of the Executive Committee.
Sec. 20. The Executive Committee shall be the governing body of the Branch and shall transact all business it deems advisable, including the filling of vacancies in offices, authorization of expenditures, etc. upon approval by the Counselor.

Duties of Executive Committee Officers:

Sec. 21. The Chairperson shall preside at all meetings of the Branch. He/she shall appoint all committees, subject to the approval of the Executive Committee and the Counselor, and shall assume all other executive duties not otherwise delegated.
Sec. 22. The Vice-Chairman shall perform all functions of the Chairman in the latter’s absence or at his/her request.
Sec. 23. The Branch Secretary shall keep a record of all activities of the Branch and shall report same to IEEE Headquarters, together with any special reports required by IEEE Headquarters, within a reasonable time after each meeting. The secretary shall carry on all other communications necessary to the activities of the Branch. The secretary shall keep a record of the names of members in attendance at the meetings.
Sec. 24. The Treasurer shall receive all money and pay all debts of the Branch authorized by the Executive Committee and the Counselor, and shall keep an exact account of all receipts and expenditures.
Sec. 25. A complete annual report shall be submitted by the Chairman and the Treasurer at the last regular meeting of the year, and shall be forwarded by the Branch Secretary to the IEEE Manager of Student Services, upon certification by the Counselor.

Operating Committees:

Sec. 26. The following Standing Committees or their equivalent shall be appointed by the Chairman, subject to the approval of the Executive Committee and the Counselor:

  1. Publicity Committee
  2. Academic & Professional Committee
  3. Social Committee
  4. Multimedia Committee
  5. Membership Development Committee
  6. External Relations Committee
  7. History & Newsletter Committee
  8. Local Arrangement Committee
  9. Sponsoring Committee
  10.  Web Committee

Sec. 27. The Publicity Committee shall be responsible for proper advisement of each meeting. and publishing Branch events internally and externally.
Sec. 28. The Academic & Professional Committee shall be responsible for organizing technical, educational and professional lectures, tutorials and workshops.
Sec. 29. The Social Committee shall be responsible to provide social networking opportunities in order to relax and have fun.
Sec. 30. The Multimedia Committee shall be responsible for design of events’ posters and flyers. It also covers  photographing it and video recording of events.
Sec. 31. The Membership Development Committee shall bring the advantages of IEEE membership to the attention of all potential Student members.
Sec. 32. The External Relations Committee acts as liaison between the Branch and any outside organization. This may also involve public relations with other faculties and the general public.
Sec. 33. The History & Newsletter Committee shall be responsible for keeping a record of activities of the Branch by collecting, cataloguing and maintaining post event reports to edit, publish and distribute. Shall
Sec. 34. The Local Arrangement Committee shall be responsible for preparing the logistical and organizational needs
for the success of student branch events.
Sec. 35. The Sponsoring Committee shall be responsible for fund-raising by requesting donations from companies, individuals, governmental agencies, etc.

Sec. 36. The Web Committee shall be responsible for maintaining the website of the student branch up to date. It shall be respo,sible also on the student branch pages in the social networks (such as Facebook and Google pages).
Sec. 37. In addition to the above standing committees, the Chairman may appoint other committees which he may deem necessary, upon approval by the Executive committee and the Counselor.


Sec. 38. The Branch shall hold regular and special meetings at such places and time as designated by the Executive Committee, with a minimum of six meetings a year.

Student Chapters:

Sec. 39. A Student Branch Chapter is a technical sub-unit of the Student Branch constituted by a minimum of 6 Student or Graduate Student Members of the ENIS student branch and a Society.
Sec. 40. Each student chapter is managed by an executive committee which is responsible for administering chapter operations and traditionally consists of the Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer.
Sec. 41. The Student Branch Chapter Chair shall serve as an ex-officio member of the Student Branch Executive Committee in coordinating and planning activities and programs.
Sec. 42. The student branch chapter organizes its activities under the control of a Faculty Advisor, who is a member of IEEE and the Society.

Women In Engineering (WIE) Student Affinity group:

Sec. 43. The IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE) is dedicated to promoting women engineers and scientists and inspiring girls around the world to follow their academic interests to a career in engineering.
Sec. 44. The WIE student affinity group is managed by an executive committee which is responsible for administering group operations and traditionally consists of the Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer.
Sec. 45. The Student Branch Chapter Chair shall serve as an ex-officio member of the Student Branch Executive Committee in coordinating and planning activities and programs.
Sec. 46. The WIE student affinity group organizes its activities under the control of a Faculty Advisor, who is a member of IEEE and the WIE affinity group.

Election Process:

Sec. 47. The election process should be done one time per year (in November – December), by secret electronic ballot.
Sec. 48. The branch counselor shall issue a “Call for Nominations” for all positions to all branch members.
Sec. 49. Members must submit nominations within 2 weeks after the announcement.
Sec. 50. The branch counselor must verify the candidates’ eligibility and willingness to serve and will select not more than three candidates for each position to be elected.
Sec. 51. The ballot must be open during two weeks for vote.


Sec. 52. The Branch is empowered to adopt Bylaws which are consistent with this Constitution.
Sec. 53. The Constitution may be amended by a two-thirds of the members of the Branch present and voting, provided the amendment shall have been proposed at least one duly publicized meeting previous to the time of voting. Such amendments become effective only upon the approval of the Executive Committee of the IEEE.